How it works

Jellyfish provides real time, easy to understand information about the carbon impact of their food purchases, creating social and financial nudges towards a sustainable lifestyle. No need to manually input data about your diet and food purchases. Jellyfish makes it easy.



Scan the barcode on any food product right in the grocery store. Jellyfish will find the product in an open database of over a million food products, and instantly bring up reliable and accessible information about its lifecycle carbon footprint based on its ingredients, brand, and relevant certifications.


Compare the scanned product with more sustainable alternatives with a similar nutritional content. For example, scan typical ground beef and get recommendations for certified sustainable beef, ground turkey and a plant-based substitute.



Earn points that can be redeemed for cash back or carbon offsets. Scan your receipt and Jellyfish will detect what you purchased: more sustainable = more cash back!


Track your grocery carbon footprint over time. Set targets, participate in challenges and compete against others. See how your choices add up to reduce emissions and mitigate global climate change.

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Offset your footprint right in the app. We work with small-scale projects and avoid middlemen, so you know your payments are going directly to farmers and rural landowners for planting trees and restoring forests.


Show off. Whether it’s how much cash you earned, how much you reduced your footprint, or how much you offset through important projects, everyone will know through the in-app scoreboard, community feed and social media tie-ins.



Read news and communicate with other users part of the community thanks to a newsfeed and forum features.


Challenge your friends and other users with offset wagers. Set an objective and a wager, if the other user fails to complete the challenge, he must pays the wager for your offset.


Wonder how we calculate the Jellyscores?

Find out more

 Test the app!

You can’t wait to download Jellyfish? Use the prototype below to navigate the app and see what Jellyfish offers. Don’t forget to provide feedback!

 Prototype made with Figma